The Bahamas


National Energy Policy

The Bahamas depends on imported petroleum products for more than 99% of its energy demand. In 2010, GSEII and its partners including the Organization of American States (OAS) helped the Bahamas to deliver its second National Energy Policy report to its National Energy Policy Committee. The Bahamas has proposed a more sustainable energy matrix, achievable by 2030, which would allow the island nation to wean itself from fossil energy.

Policy Vision

The Bahamas will become a world leader in the development and implementation of sustainable energy opportunities, by aggressively re-engineering our legislative, regulatory, and institutional frameworks; retooling our human resources; and implement a diverse range of well researched and regulated, environmentally sensitive and sustainable energy programmes and initiatives, built upon our geographical (both proximity and diversity), climatic (sun, wind, and sea), and traditional economic strengths (tourism and banking).


A proposed energy matrix, which can replace the Bahamas' dependence on foreign oil for over 99% of its energy demand. Click this image to read the full NEP to learn moreThe proposed energy matrix to replace the Bahamas’ dependence on foreign oil for over 99% of its energy demand. Click this image to read the full NEP to learn more.